
Change Leaders Podcast

“Fredrik Svedbrant is the architect with a vision to combine art, architecture, entrepreneurship and research on the sustainable solutions of the future - all on a floating island on Stockholm's waters .... We also hear how it came about that Fredrik's first home purchase was a ship , and what happened to his cycling through Africa”.

Click on the image to listen at the interview.

P4 Stockholm 4 Aug 2020

Interview in swedish language in Stockholm local radio. Click on the link, scroll to bottom of page and move the timeline cursor to 2 h and 20 min in to the program.

Click on the image to listen at the interview.

Local newspaper

Interview in the local newspaper.

Click on the image to get to the article.

Local newspaper

In the middle of Kungsholmen Neighbors in the immediate area are negative to the applied building permit.

Click on the image to get to the article.